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 A trial of rapid pregnancy success and infertility treatment after adjusting the pH of vaginal secretions 

Pregnancy quick recipe and treatment of infertility

Rapid pregnancy prescription and infertility treatment with DXN products

#Quick_Pregnancy Successful pregnancy After a month of following this treatment or therapeutic experience, continue reading with concentration and be patient, you have been patient a lot and you will not regret it, God willing.

A case of infertility in one of the women, who had been suffering for many years; after her infertile marriage; and the lack of chances of pregnancy; Where the spouses conducted the examinations inside their country as well as outside the country; The results of the examinations were one and confusing; It is the absence of a contraceptive.

 As Professor Dr. Mazen Al-Sakka mentioned that this lady came to him; She bears the results of the examinations that she and her husband performed; and reviewed the results of these examinations; And he did not find any objection to the couple from the occurrence of pregnancy or the success of the pregnancy; Professor El-Sakka wondered, as long as the results of the medical tests are good; So what is the reason for not getting pregnant?? This puzzled most of the doctors that the couple visited for tests and to find out why pregnancy did not occur!!

Professor El-Sakka mentioned when we find problems and suffering, and we find good medical tests; We have to go back to the root of the problem; And it is the member responsible for this problem (that is, the problem always lies in a defect in the mechanism of the member’s work). Balance the acidity of the blood (pH). We return to the talk of Professor El-Sakka, where he mentioned that the origin of the problem is in the organ and the physiology of the body; Where the professor compared the results of the analyzes and started with the analyzes of the master; He looked at the sperm analysis of this gentleman (husband); Where he found the pH of the sperm is basic (alkaline), and the results were wonderful and promising for the master; pH was in normal condition; Professor El-Sakka stated that the sperm should be basal with a pH between (8-8. 50); Then he moved to the woman’s analysis. Professor Al-Sakka explained that the pH of vaginal secretions in the normal situation is acidic; The normal pH of vaginal secretions is between (4.7-5.7). If the male’s sperm comes to this acidic environment of vaginal secretions, then he dies; But in the stage of ovulation in the wife; The pH must rise from the previously mentioned acid until it reaches the pH (7) neutral and safe between acidity and basic (alkaline) and ready to receive the sperm; Hence the success of pregnancy and rapid pregnancy. If the male’s sperm comes to this acidic environment of vaginal secretions, then he dies; But in the stage of ovulation in the wife; The pH must rise from the previously mentioned acid until it reaches the pH (7) neutral and safe between acidity and basic (alkaline) and ready to receive the sperm; Hence the success of pregnancy and rapid pregnancy. If the male’s sperm comes to this acidic environment of vaginal secretions, then he dies; But in the stage of ovulation in the wife; The pH must rise from the previously mentioned acid until it reaches the pH (7) neutral and safe between acidity and basic (alkaline) and ready to receive the sperm; Hence the success of pregnancy and rapid pregnancy.

Where Professor El-Sakka asked the woman to perform an analysis by making a vaginal swab during the ovulation period; To check the pH of vaginal secretions during ovulation; Al-Saqa disclosed that there was a phenomenon of astonishment and amazement at this analysis, not only from the woman and her husband, but also from those who specialize in conducting medical analyzes and those who are with them.

 And the results of an analysis of the woman's vaginal secretions showed; The pH recorded the number (4.3), which is acidic and not neutral as it should be during the ovulation period; Al-Sakka began to think of a strategy that would help raise the pH of the woman's vaginal secretions to a neutral pH; Where he reached to determine an alkaline diet (alkaline) and to stay away from acidic foods; This is to reach the neutral pH required for rapid pregnancy success; He advised her to eat avocados and alkaline foods that have a high alkaline number; Avoid coffee, acidic foods and drinks; In this article, we will reveal foods that balance the pH of the body.

The result was positive, which is that the woman became pregnant in the same month.

Treatment of cases of infertility recovery using nutritional supplements produced by the international Malaysian company DXN according to the recommendations of the Dato’ and Professor Lim Sujin, founder of DXN 

The cure for infertility, God willing, using the recipe and program of DXN products, under the supervision of Dr. Safaa Al-Rashidi, a specialist in therapeutic nutrition and complementary and preventive medicine.

Written by Dr. Safaa Rushdi

Clinical Nutritionist and Complementary and Preventive Medicine

Coordination and arrangement / Badran Saeed

"Infertility and Reproductive Nutrition Program with DXN Products"

Explanatory introduction:

The case of delayed pregnancy or infertility remains because of one of the spouses or both. This is predestined by God, Lord of the Worlds, who gives you offspring whenever he wants, as he wants, whether male or female, and this is from the provision, as it is from God’s mercy that He gives us medicine and orders us to seek medicine and search for The cause of the disease we have, by legitimate means, such as medication with food and other things when urgently needed, and by examination first, and follow-up with specialized doctors, to know and determine the causes of diseases that prevent pregnancy. Then the role of the supplementation program comes later, but if the inhibitor is inorganic and does not require surgery, such as a lack of hormones, lack of fertility, cysts, infections, or fibroids in one or both spouses; Or there is no clear reason for not having children here. We recommend taking nutritional supplements from the international Malaysian company DXN for their quality and effectiveness, because, thanks to God, they are very useful and give good results for pregnancy,

Pregnancy quick recipe and treatment of infertility

important note : 

I add to an important note to Dr. Safaa’s program. You may be Dr. Safaa I forgot to mention. It is when you use DXN products, especially reishi mushrooms for the first time, that some people may have some side effects such as peeling of the skin, hair loss or dryness in the mouth, do not worry about This is because this is caused by the interaction of the active substances of the products in your body, where they work to build new tissues and cells and kill diseased cells, just reduce the dose and increase it gradually.

Recommended Supplements for Rapid Pregnancy and Infertility Treatment

1- Cordyceps mushroom: increases fertility and immunity in spouses, contains anti-inflammatory, etc., and helps to alkaline fluids in the body.

Take 16 tablets daily.

2- Spirulina algae: It increases blood flow to the blood vessels in the reproductive organs, especially the uterus, and is very useful to help alkaline fluids in the body, including vaginal secretions.

Take 20 tablets daily.

3- Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma) or red mushroom: It expels the toxins deposited in the body in general and in the uterus and ovaries and strengthens blood circulation until it reaches far places in the body and passes through the body’s small vessels, including the vessels of the reproductive system, as it is excellent in helping to alkaline fluids In the body, including vaginal fluids, it fights infections and tumors.

And take 3 teaspoons daily (the size of the spoon is two grams) with water or any natural juice on an empty stomach.

4- Noni juice or Morinzi: It strengthens immunity and blood and makes it alkaline, which speeds up the occurrence of pregnancy and also provides the body with the necessary vitamins and useful minerals that we lack in our food.

120 ml is taken daily.

How to use:

Reishi mushroom:

(The first week) Half a spoon twice a day with half a cup of lukewarm water, which is best, or a natural juice.

(The second week) spoon twice daily.

(The third week) a spoon and a half twice daily.

Then continue with the recipe for the third week until pregnancy occurs, God willing, and it is preferable after 3 months to perform the necessary tests and analyzes to see the extent of its improvement.

Morinzhi juice:

3 tablespoons of 20 ml in a glass of water 200 ml twice daily.

Spirulina pills:

10 tablets twice daily.

Cordyceps mushroom:

8 tablets twice daily.


1- Due to the large number of pollution and toxins surrounding us in our food, air, water and medicine, laboratory analyzes may show the result inaccurate and do not help us in deciding the situation well. Therefore, the husband and wife’s use of this nutritional program speeds up the process of childbearing and reduces its stumbling, God forbid, and God is the Giver, glory be to Him. , He invited us to ask him, please, and act on his reasons.

Accordingly, it is preferable for the spouses to take the supplement program together.

2- The previous program for the spouses in the event of no children; As for the presence of children ... the sick husband of them takes the products according to the program, and the other takes the products as nutritional supplements in preventive quantities, according to what is written on the packages.

With the need to adhere to the following:

Regular use and continuity of it.

It is preferable to use the products an hour before meals, which is the best, or two hours after them. The supplements are meant to be taken on an empty stomach to facilitate absorption and full benefit from the body.

Drink plenty of water 2-3 liters per day.

Dear reader, you can search on the Internet for the benefits of "Ganoderma" and the benefits of DXN products; You can also get a discount and a reduction in the price when you buy  DXN  products    with the international membership number from the company's branches around the world.

International Membership Number:


Very important note:

As a period of pregnancy, the pregnant woman continues to take supplements because of their importance in feeding the pregnant woman and in the formation and nutrition of the fetus instead of taking chemical vitamins (iron, calcium and folic acid) that cause constipation and kidney problems for the pregnant woman, and this is not specific to the pregnancy period, but we should not stop taking supplements after the body responds and recovers and returns To normal, because we always need supplements to prevent diseases, and it is sufficient for prevention to eat the quantities listed on the product packages.

These products are not intended to treat diseases in and of themselves, but rather they are nutritional supplements that help speed up the body's self-healing in general.

Doctors must first follow up for those who have health problems to diagnose the type of disease and take the necessary chemical medical drugs, which the doctor prescribes and continue to take them in parallel with the use of supplements with them at the same time until the drugs are dispensed little by little in exchange for improvement with the supplements until healing is done, God Almighty And dispense with it completely thanks to God Almighty.


The aforementioned nutritional supplements help to avoid the side effects of medicines.

It is preferable to adopt the following diet:

Pay attention to eating vegetables and fruits a lot.

- Cooking boiled or steamed.

Reducing the intake of dairy and its derivatives full-fat.

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