Benefits of wheatgrass juic
Wheatgrass is known as the small weeds of wheat plants and its scientific name is Triticum aestivum. It can be planted by collecting leaves by placing wheat seeds in water.
Harvesting usually takes place 7-11 days after sowing wheatgrass. It should be noted that this plant is gluten free and contains over 90 soil elements, and it is a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C, selenium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sulfur, sodium, cobalt, zinc, among other. Available in wheat germ, juice, tablets, capsules and powder.
Benefits of wheatgrass
Efficacy benefits of wheatgrass Insufficient evidence of efficacy Insufficient evidence Insufficient evidence Potential for reducing the need for blood transfusions in patients with beta thalassemia: Studies differed on the effect of wheatgrass in patients with patients with beta thalassemia, as some studies have shown it, while other studies have not found, for example. Example, no influence on it; Some preliminary research shows that drinking 100 ml of wheatgrass juice per day for 18 months or taking tablets containing one to four grams of wheatgrass per day for 12 months may reduce the need for blood transfusions in children treated with beta thalassemia. . Other preliminary studies have shown that tablets containing 100-200 mg of wheatgrass per kilogram of body weight for 12 months do not help reduce the need for blood transfusions in children and adults with beta thalassemia, and more extensive studies are needed. And higher. Qualitative proof of the validity of these results.
Lower cholesterol
A study published in 2010 on experimental and clinical methods and pharmacology results over a period of 10 weeks in a cohort of rabbits demonstrated a potential beneficial role for wheatgrass. Cholesterol lowering results have shown that wheatgrass supplementation helps improve high fat levels through a high fat diet, lower total cholesterol, and increase body fat. Rabbits have good cholesterol (HDL) in their blood, but this feature needs more scientific research to prove it works in humans.
Reduce the risk of developing ulcerative colitis
(English: Ulcerative Colitis) The Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, conducted on a group of people with ulcerative colitis in 2002, showed that wheatgrass water may be beneficial in relieving ulcerative colitis because the results represent a general clue of disease activity and 100 The severity of rectal bleeding was significantly reduced in people who drank wheatgrass water daily for an entire month.
• Promote lowering of blood sugar
A lab study in mice published in Toxicology and Industrial Health in 2016 showed that wheatgrass may have effective anti-hyperglycemic effects. The results showed a decrease in the oxidative enzyme activity of glucose and a decrease in insulin and glycogen levels in the liver of diabetic mice.
• Contribute to the fight against bacteria
A review published in the Journal of Dental Research and Review in 2015 indicates that wheatgrass extract has antimicrobial activity like Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp. Other Benefits Wheatgrass may be beneficial for certain health conditions, but there is not enough evidence that it works, and these conditions include:
• Helps reduce high blood pressure
It helps the body to eliminate drugs, minerals, toxins and carcinogens. Helps heal wounds. To reduce the risk of tooth decay. Scientific studies on the benefits of wheatgrass published in the Journal of Medicinal Drug Research in 2014 and laboratory studies in mice have shown that wheatgrass extract may reduce the risk of developing chronic fatigue syndrome (in English: chronic fatigue syndrome). Since symptoms of fatigue do not go away even after rest, this is a frequent and frequent stressful state, and the results showed that the group of mice treated with wheatgrass extract after chronic exposure to causes of fatigue, exhibited decreased anxiety levels, improved motor activity and increased levels of the catalase enzyme. catalase) and low malondialdehyde compounds, the levels of which indicate a state of oxidative stress associated with exacerbation of the syndrome.
A laboratory study published in mice in the journal Phytotherapy Research in 2009 showed that wheatgrass may possess this ability to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and reduce the risk of disease progression in people with the disease. of Alzheimer's disease.
For more information on wheat grains and their benefits, see our article Benefits of Wheat Grains.
Wheatgrass damage The safety of wheatgrass is generally safe when consumed in moderation and in food, and the concentrations can be consumed within 18 months, but safety information for wheatgrass is generally considered as safe. Wheatgrass is not enough. Long-term use of wheatgrass as a medicine. In addition, there is not enough reliable information on the safety of pregnant and lactating women who eat wheatgrass, so it is advisable to avoid using wheatgrass during pregnancy. And breastfeeding.
Precautions for using wheatgrass
It can cause a number of potential side effects, including nausea, headaches, and constipation. Stomach pain and fever. These symptoms usually go away within two weeks of starting a meal or after the body adjusts to wheatgrass. It should be noted that people who suffer from allergies to wheat or grass should consult a doctor before starting to cultivate wheatgrass or people who are allergic to wheat (in English: celiac disease) or who are gluten intolerant.
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