43 amazing therapeutic benefits, discover the miraculous benefits of Spirulina DXN algae
Why is spirulina good for you?Is it safe to take Spirulina everyday?Is spirulina safe for kidneys?Is spirulina good or bad for you?
• A complete study of the blue-green algae Spirulina
Spirulina is a bluish-green or bluish algae species. It produces elements and nutrients by absorbing sunlight and converting carbon dioxide into oxygen.
When were the benefits of spirulina discovered? Who discovered the benefits of spirulina?
It was discovered by Dr. Clement of France in 1962 in Chad.
Why is spirulina the most complete and organic source of total nutrition?
Spirulina is an algae containing more than about 100 compounds and a balanced organic nutrient; And it is the most complete source of complete and organic nutrition, and it is as follows:
• Its elements are characterized by a digestibility of about 95% when compared to various foods, and most of them do not exceed 15%.
• Collecting important vitamins and minerals, including rare minerals, in addition to the rest of the materials that we will discuss.
What distinguishes spirulina from contents and ingredients?
What are the ingredients, contents or chemical composition of spirulina?
What is the importance of spirulina?
Why Spirulina?
Spirulina has several advantages that make it the center of attention for a therapeutic dietitian. Changing concepts of medicine and concern for food in general as a means of healing and self-healing; To restore balance to the body and improve the functioning of its organs; All of this makes spirulina the therapeutic food of the future.
What are the substances and elements in spirulina? What is the chemical composition of spirulina?
amino acids
Proteins: Spirulina contains between 65 - 71% complete protein that contains all eight essential amino acids important for a perfect balance,
Where meat contains between 15-20%, it is more than it. They have 3-4 times more thickness. 20 times more than protein-rich soybeans; The protein in spirulina is also easy to digest. This is because it is easily soluble in water.
Spirulina has 2,000 and more balanced enzymes that are important for good health; To complete the digestion and metabolism process together; It also has many enzymes that the body does not produce; These enzymes form the basic nucleus in the formation and production of complex chains of amino acids. There are more than 10,000 enzymes; These are known as metabolic or digestive enzymes.
There are many vitamins in spirulina, in which there are vitamins A, D, E, and a complete vitamin B complex group, and where it contains four times more vitamin B12 found in the liver, and beta-carotene in a high amount; it is one of the most important and most effective elements to disrupt free radicals (oxygen electrolytes). ), Which causes damage to cells and the environment in which cancerous tumors arise, as there is beta-carotene in spirulina that is 25 times that of fresh carrots, and 40 times more than that of spinach. Anti-cancer and cell regenerating vitamin E is 3 times more than fresh wheat germ ... etc .; Although pharmacy supplements are available with very high doses of beta-carotene that are toxic, high amounts found in spirulina are safe. This was also confirmed by the US National Cancer Center.
Pigment material
Spirulina contains many important chromosomes, such as: beta-carotene and chlorophyll
Cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin.
Mineral salts:
Spirulina includes a wide range of important minerals such as: calcium, potassium, and copper
Chromium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, manganese, sodium, and trace minerals such as zinc and selenium.
Spirulina is also available in 58 times more iron than spinach, and 28 times more than fresh beef liver.
Spirulina algae is a completely free source of cholesterol, where the amount of cholesterol per gram is approximately 4 calories.
What are the benefits of spirulina algae?
Boosts immune system strength:
As spirulina stimulates the production of beneficial intestinal bacteria that produce soft acid for the intestine, beneficial bacteria on the surface of the skin, defense and anti-invading bodies, germs and viruses such as Corona Covid-19.
• Strong in combating cancerous tumors, suppressing the spread of cancer cells and destroying them, as the spirulina algae has the advantage of providing strong antioxidants such as beta-carotene, phycocyanin and xanthophyll, in addition to chlorophyll that eliminates and fights the roots and prevents oxidation of the body and works to clean it ..
• Spirulina algae affect all immune diseases, God willing. As it works, as mentioned above, to strengthen immunity and develop antibodies to germs and viruses, including the emerging corona virus, Covid-19 and HIV-1:
Where the American National Cancer Center revealed in 1989 that the chemical formula of spirulina algae prevented the HIV virus from attaching to or penetrating into the body's cells. As it was very active and strong against the virus and curbing its spread. In April 1996, researchers at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, in partnership with researchers at Harvard Medical School, revealed that regular use of doses of spirulina enabled them to control HIV-1. Prevent its spread; And repairing the defect that causes random division of cancer-causing cells and suppressing them, as studies were presented by researchers from Japan; Confirms the fight against spirulina algae and the elimination of viruses that cause influenza, measles, parotid gland, and genital herpes virus, and infect the behavior of viruses in attaching to cells to eliminate them, which causes alarm and provokes the body cells that attack them immediately; This war results in damage to those cells. Here lies the benefit of the active ingredients in spirulina, the most important of which are: Polysaccharides, Phycocyanin, which prevent the virus and its attachment to cell walls.
Some types of cancer arise as a result of damage to the genetic tape (DNA), thus the damaged cell loses control of the program of division, and researchers in this field have come up with a cellular (nuclear) enzyme called: Endonuclease, whose mission is to repair and preserve the defect in the damaged DNA. The health and vitality of cells, as a result of toxins and cases of radioactive contamination, the production of these enzymes stops and carcinomas occur, and researchers discovered that spirulina contains rare and unique enzymes called: polysaccharides, Phycocyanin; As these enzymes or elements work to enhance the activity of the cell nucleus enzyme, which repairs the defect in DNA, and they have published this in many scientific studies.
• Spirulina treats insulin resistance. Where it works to regulate and manage the insulin hormone in the body; Which regulates blood sugar and has a fundamental role in regulating the performance of the functions of various body organs.
• Spirulina has the ability to control helping the body in and regulating blood sugar levels.
Several studies have been conducted on animals, and it has resulted in these studies that spirulina significantly reduces blood sugar levels.
And in some cases, spirulina has outperformed the commonly used diabetes drugs and drugs, including metformin.
Some evidence indicates that spirulina is strongly effective in humans.
In a two-month study of 25 people with type 2 diabetes, they administered 2 grams of a daily spirulina supplement, which resulted in an amazingly low blood sugar level.
Low HbA1c, a marker for long-term blood sugar levels, from 9% to 8%, is a big deal.
Studies have estimated a 1% decrease in this indicator; It reduces the risk of death for diabetes-related conditions by 21%.
• Spirulina is important for keto dieters; Because spirulina compensates their bodies for the lack of important minerals and vitamins and helps in the metabolism process and other keto diet problems.
Spirulina lowers cholesterol:
Where there is in spirulina algae a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids that work to get rid of oxidized cholesterol harmful to health.
• Spirulina algae affect leukemia: Doctors in Russia are interested in the health and curative benefits of Spirulina. Where the doctors of the Byelorussia Institute in Minsk revealed the effect of spirulina on children who were victims of Chernobyl radiation; The results showed that the level of radioactivity in urine analysis decreased by an average of 50% during a period of only three weeks, as they administered a dose of 5 grams per day of spirulina powder, and within a program designated by the institute. Every day, doctors received about 100 children to cover the effects of that disaster.
Spirulina works by stimulating the production of stem cells and enhancing the work of T cells: As Chinese scientists discovered the substance spirulina also joins the production of white blood cells even in the event of damage to the stem cells of bone marrow by chemicals or toxic radiation, as this substance is Phycocyanin.
And the Russian nutritionists who have treated children with radiation nausea resulting from the famous radioactive leak in Chernobyl confirms to the Chinese: The bone marrow of these children was damaged, and their bodies became unable to produce white and red blood cells, and they had anemia and severe allergies; As this happened after those children ate radioactively contaminated food; Where the doctors administered a dose of 5 grams of spirulina tablets daily for 6 weeks; As a surprise, a big improvement happened to those children.
Spirulina lowers and balances blood pressure.
Spirulina promotes and revitalizes kidney function:
Where the chlorophyll available in spirulina algae increases the performance and efficiency of kidney function. Thus, the kidneys help to cleanse the body of toxins and the excretion process, thus helping to treat fluid retention that causes the blood pressure level to rise.
• Spirulina is an important source of protein, vitamins and all trace minerals. It is important for children and young people to ensure healthy and healthy growth. As these age groups, especially adolescents, consume higher percentages of vitamins, minerals and various compounds than others. In addition to its importance for adults and the elderly, as supplying their bodies with the energy they need and maintaining flexibility and youth.
• It works to treat and cure anemia, the so-called anemia:
Spirulina is a rich source of iron and copper, which are important for the formation of red blood cells, strength and endurance of the body and body, and important minerals and vitamins that accelerate recovery from anemia.
Spirulina benefits pregnant mothers and increases the chances and success of childbearing: Mothers must receive complete nutrition during pregnancy in order to ensure their safety and the development of their fetus in a healthy and safe manner. Where spirulina contains magnesium and calcium, which women and mothers especially complain of deficiency of these minerals.
Studies have shown that a lack of magnesium in a pregnant woman is prone to miscarriage or premature labor due to sensitivity to the uterus and contractions resulting from magnesium, and also causes preeclampsia, high pregnancy pressure and swollen feet due to fluid retention, problems in regulating the temperature of newborns and may cause sudden death syndrome in children SIDS; In another study, the link between magnesium deficiency and Igur, which is poor growth in the womb, with impaired metabolism, which results in severe consequences that last for life, as well as magnesium deficiency, causes insomnia during sleep, and the pregnant woman needs rest and adequate sleep.
With reference to the importance of magnesium, its deficiency results in an absence of pregnancy opportunities due to contractions and infections in the fallopian tubes.
Spirulina benefits nursing mothers:
Spirulina is useful for increasing the milk supply of breastfeeding mothers and the milk production by a greater percentage than other nutrients, because it contains many elements, minerals and vitamins important for psychological comfort, first because it is important in producing milk and obtaining a complete source of nutrition to provide adequate food for their infants.
Spirulina reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease:
As obesity, excess, high triglyceride levels, and high amounts of oxidized cholesterol lead to a tendency to develop blood clots; Where research indicated that spirulina algae extract can affect these factors; Thus reducing the risk of heart disease.
Spirulina works to balance the acidity of the blood "PH" and keep it in a safe neutral state, with a ratio of between 7.2 - 7.4, which keeps the body away from diseases, infections and any dysfunction in the body's organs; Where acidity of the blood plays a very important role that some doctors ignore and others do not know, including weak immunity, hormonal problems, and the digestive and reproductive system ... etc ..
• Spirulina algae works to repair various organ dysfunctions and an irregular lifestyle. As these problems occur due to accumulated toxins and psychological states such as depression, insomnia and tension, for which food and the body’s lack of some vitamins, minerals and various compounds is the main reason for it and other reasons ..
• It stimulates the liver, gallbladder and secretion of bile, which digests and burns excess fats and expels toxins and excess fats from the body.
• Spirulina helps in managing and regulating hormones in the body, treating hormonal disorders, and restoring hormone balance.
• Spirulina works to strengthen and increase the production and protection of sperms from death during the fertilization process of eggs; This is because they contain powerful antioxidants.
• Spirulina algae is considered a potency booster, fertility and infertility in men and women. "Women": Spirulina is a source of all important vitamins and minerals; Trace minerals that have a role in the efficient performance of organ functions, such as zinc; In addition to potassium, which is very important for these functions, it appeared from the brain and nerves; In addition to the presence in spirulina of nutrients that are many times more effective than those available in palm pollen: zinc, arginine acid and vitamin B6, which are the most important essential nutrients that stimulate sperm. Also maintaining the balance of blood acidity "pH", namely | Surprise and exclusive reality for your Health blog | Where it plays a big role in the success of the fertilization process and the chances of having children is a secret that many doctors do not know and many hide it unfortunately. We will devote a special article to explain this important topic.
And improving the ability of sperm to move .. Also, these substances stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs and affect the size of those eggs .. And some experiments have been shown for cases of people over the age of 60 years. Where they used a supplement powder of spirulina algae at the rate of a teaspoon added warm water + honey on an empty stomach daily for two consecutive months, so they were able to conceive .. And also some cases for women who were suffering from the small size of the eggs produced; And he managed to conceive after using the same previous prescription.
• Spirulina is effective in treating rhinitis caused by seasonal allergies and chronic allergies and eliminating the symptoms resulting from it, such as itching, secretions, runny nose, etc.
• Spirulina is rich in vitamin D, B and magnesium. These elements are important for the production of the happiness hormone "serotonin", whose deficiency leads to depression, tension, insomnia, lack of sleep, fatigue, stress and other health, psychological and social problems.
• Spirulina works to regulate children's appetite, stimulate their physical development, add healthy brain development, and enhance activity, vitality and mental abilities to acquire skills and learning, and strengthen focus and attention; Also, spirulina makes children more calm and understanding, treats children's aggressive behavior, and makes them more social with their peers and companions. Thanks to its stimulation of the happiness hormone "serotonin" and other antidepressants that control mood, activity, vitality and others ..
• Spirulina treats menstrual problems and pains for women.
• Spirulina helps treat pain resulting from childbirth and postpartum and speeds up the healing of the female reproductive system and its return to normal before childbirth.
It is useful for the hydration of body cells in general and the brain in particular.
• Spirulina works to help clean the scalp from excess oil, accumulations and dirt, and at the same time treat the fungi that make up dandruff in the hair that cause clogging of the pores of the head; This leads to weak hair and other problems.
• Many factors and causes cause hair loss, breakage, weakness, and short hair length, including psychological ones such as anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia during sleep, and lack of sleep; And digestive problems; Metabolism ; Hormonal disruption; Skin problems on the scalp that cause inflammation in the scalp; Spirulina has antioxidants available in it, such as carotene, in addition to excellent minerals such as zinc, iron, potassium, copper and vitamins A, B, D, and E that are important in obtaining the characteristics of strong, vibrant, thick, lustrous hair with a uniform and stable color.
• Spirulina treats constipation by providing fiber and digestive enzymes in it, in addition to enhancing the growth and multiplication of bacteria in the intestine. Probiotics, which help in the digestive processes and devour carbohydrates that cannot be digested ..
• Spirulina works to clear eyesight and treat cataracts, as spirulina contains carotene, which is important for eye health, in addition to many other elements.
• Spirulina breaks down testosterone, the "male hormone", and its production joins a safe level.
It helps in treating male pattern baldness resulting from psychological causes, including stress, anxiety, psychological and nervous pressure, hormonal disorders and imbalances, poor nutrition, infections of the scalp, dandruff, excessive fat secretion, and fungi.
• Spirulina contains a group of minerals and vitamins that strengthen the nails and maintain their health.
Spirulina helps treat dark circles under the eyes.
Speed up the healing and elimination of acne.
• Spirulina algae is a powerful anti-inflammatory that results from bacterial invasion, microbes and Candida.
• Spirulina has the ability to protect the skin from spots, redness and roughness by treating the diseases that cause those spots; Thanks to the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that fight the dandruff or free radicals that cause inflammation and anaphylaxis diseases; Spirulina has proven effective in helping to heal immune diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, and others.
• Spirulina contains groups of homogeneous and important elements and vitamins that maintain the freshness and vitality of the skin and prevent the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
• Spirulina has a set of pigments: Spirulina contains many pigments. Which has many and important benefits such as: beta-carotene, chlorophyll, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, in addition to the important copper element to stimulate the performance of those pigments, which is one of its benefits, maintaining the stability of the skin color, its glasses and its vitality.
Spirulina benefits older adults:
Spirulina contains antioxidants and is rich in it, such as carotene, which helps them heal from diseases such as osteoporosis, relieves and reduces symptoms of arthritis and promotes them and delays the appearance of symptoms of aging, such as preserving eyesight ..
Spirulina benefits athletes:
Spirulina algae are very useful for athletes as a rich source for energy production and an important source of protein that works to amplify and build muscles and bodies in addition to minerals such as potassium, which is important for making protein to build and amplify muscles, strengthen the heart and kidneys, absorption in the digestive system, the health of the lungs, arteries, nerves, brain, performance of the functions of those organs and others, and iron to improve Fitness, endurance, copper, calcium, and a lot more for joints and bones. Vitamins, minerals and amino acids are involved in maintaining fitness and health.
Spirulina algae regulate appetite:
Spirulina contains vitamins, minerals, and fiber in addition to protein and other substances, so the body gets enough energy for it by consuming and consuming spirulina; This works to regulate the appetite.
• As is well known about spirulina, it has the ability to be effective in slimming and losing weight, or what is called dieting, especially waist fat or belly fat; And that is through the process of regulating spirulina for appetite and treating satisfying appetite that may result from psychological factors, including depression, in addition to the process of burning and regulating fats and expelling excess fats and toxins from the body; Which is shared by a number of organs of the body, including the gallbladder, liver, digestive system and kidneys; Consequently, these operations confirm that spirulina has the ability to sculpt and shape the body. Slimming and losing excess weight or dieting; we get an ideal slim body that is not thin ..
Spirulina has the ability to gain weight or fatten and gain and own an ideal body for lean people or athletes who are looking to inflate muscles and build bodies at a natural speed without damage.
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