24 benefits of lemon juice
What are the benefits of lemon juice?
How much lemon juice should you drink a day?
What are the benefits of drinking lemon juice?
What happens if you drink lemon juice everyday?
What Lemon does to the body?
What are the benefits of lemon?
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What is a lime?
It is a fruit belonging to citrus fruits; They taste sour, have a rounded shape, and have a small size.
Seasoning water with citrus fruits, such as lemons, can liven up a glass of water, encouraging reluctant water drinkers to consume more.
The body needs water to stay alive, and drinking enough water is crucial to maintaining optimum health.
Water ensures that the human body is adequately hydrated. People keep themselves hydrated by drinking fluids and eating foods that are high in water.
The amount of water a person needs to drink varies depending on:
• their age
• their gender
• The amount of physical activity they do.
Whether the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding.
• temperature and other environmental factors
Whether or not the person has a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting.
Many people do not drink enough water. In fact, many people drink more sweetened beverages than regular water.
Some people may find that lemon juice improves the taste of water, and encourages them to drink more of it. By drinking lemon water, people can also benefit from the many health benefits that it provides.
What are the benefits of lemon juice?
What are the benefits of lemon?
24 benefits of lemon juice
This small citrus fruit that is native to Asia has great nutritional value. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2-inch-diameter lime contains only 20 calories.
Lemons also contain the following nutrients:
22 milligrams (mg) calcium
12 mg phosphorous
68 mg potassium
19.5 mg vitamin C, which is about 20-25% of the recommended daily value for adults
In addition to the nutritional value of lemon, lemon juice has the following benefits:
• It encourages the consumption of water
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that people who do not drink enough water can add a few drops of lemons to enhance the flavor, which may encourage them to drink more water.
• Helps improve diet
A recent study in nutritional epidemiology showed that people who drank more water instead of sugary drinks, such as soda or juice, improved their diet.
People who drink water instead of sweetened drinks reduce the amount of sugar and fats they consume daily.
• Helpful in healing fevers
Studies and methods of healing have been shown since ancient times by using lemon juice "sour lemon" to heal many diets such as malaria, dengue fever, and others ..
May aid digestion
Adding drops of lemon to water can aid digestion. Limes contain compounds that help stimulate gastrointestinal secretions in the stomach. The acid in lemon juice also helps saliva break down food.
It reduces the chances of developing cancer
Several studies show a link between citrus fruits and a reduced risk of some types of cancer. A 2015 study in Medicine (Baltimore) showed a possible link between increased citrus consumption and a reduced risk of developing esophageal cancer. However, more research is needed.
• It improves the quality of the skin
Lemons contain vitamin C and antioxidants, both of which are ingredients in many commercial skin products. When taken with water, the natural ingredients in lemon juice can help improve the appearance of aging skin.
Promotes weight loss
Nutritionists often recommend drinking a glass of water with a meal to help prevent overeating.
Lemon juice has an added benefit. The citric acid in lemon juice helps boost a person's metabolism, which helps them burn more calories and store less fat.
• It improves the immune system
Vitamin C along with the antioxidants present in lemons provide support for the body's immune system.
When drinking regularly, lemon water may help prevent and shorten colds and flu conditions.
• It reduces the risk of heart disease
Lemons contain high levels of magnesium and potassium.
• These two elements help support the overall health of the heart. In particular, potassium can improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure.
Reduces oxidized cholesterol
There is limited research indicating that lemons may also help reduce cholesterol levels.
Reduces blood sugar
According to some research, vitamin C can help reduce blood sugar changes in the morning and after a meal. Although the study focused on people taking vitamin C supplements, the conclusion indicates that vitamin C provides excellent potential for improving a person's sugar levels.
It prevents the growth of microorganisms
According to some research, the limonene in lemons can help prevent the buildup of streptococcus bacteria.
Streptococcus is a type of bacteria responsible for a variety of infections and health conditions, including respiratory and mouth infections.
Drinking lemon water may help prevent these harmful organisms from developing and prevent bacterial diseases.
• It has anti-inflammatory properties
Lemon provides a good source of Vitamin C. Among its many other potential benefits, Vitamin C acts as an anti-inflammatory agent in the body.
Oregon State University conducted a review of research that focused on the positive effect of vitamin C on reducing inflammation.
They concluded that the majority of studies indicated that using vitamin C showed positive results in reducing inflammation.
Helps prevent kidney stones
Lemons contain citric acid and vitamin C. A 2014 study showed that both vitamin C and citric acid help break up or prevent the formation of some types of kidney stones.
The researchers concluded that by including vitamin C and citric acid in their diet, a person can reduce the risk of developing certain stones again in the future.
• Treatment of scars and marks on the skin and skin
It is useful to use drops of the fruit of lemon locally on the marks, marks, scars and the effects of acne on the skin. Lemon juice also has the properties of lightening the skin tone and its suppleness. You leave these drops for 5 minutes and then wash them with lukewarm water.
Fight respiratory diseases
The sour fruit is useful for treating respiratory problems. Including bothersome asthma attacks and difficulty breathing; This is due to its richness in Vitamin C, which is important for immune and respiratory health.
It is also very beneficial in naturally curing sore throats due to its antibacterial properties.
• Treating corns
Lemon juice applied topically helps to break up calluses; And regularly do so especially hard ones; For the same reason, the lemon helps greatly in breaking up gallstones.
Enhance iron absorption
Lemons help the body absorb as much iron as it needs. This is when eating foods that contain iron, which is an important component of the body.
• Helps treat anemia "anemia
Women are most affected by anemia. Therefore, we advise them to take lemon juice to increase the absorption of iron in order to treat their anemia. In addition, to break up gallstones, which are more common among women as well.
Other benefits of lemon juice:
It prevents nosebleeds or nosebleeds.
Fight gum disease and bleeding.
• Treatment and elimination of scalp problems, as lemon gives a desired shine to hair strands.
How to make lemon juice or lemon juice?
Wash fresh lemon before slicing it.
• Fill a cup with water and mix the juice from a piece of lime in the water.
• To prepare lemon juice ahead of time, fill a jug with water and squeeze it into the juice of a whole lemon.
Add slices of lemon to the pitcher for added flavor.
Drink water during one day to get the best flavor.
For people who find it difficult to drink the recommended amount of water each day, lemon juice may be a good alternative.
In addition to the added flavor, lemon juice also provides additional nutrients that may have a variety of health benefits.
Lemonade is easy to prepare, and almost everyone can add it to their diet.
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