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 21 benefits of Lingzhi black coffee 2 in 1_ its advantages and secrets

21 benefits of DXN Lingzi black coffee 2 in 1_ its advantages and secrets

According to a study conducted in America and published in an article in Reuters in 2018 AD; About 64% of Americans drink at least one cup of coffee a day, up from 62% in the previous year; As this means that nearly two-thirds of Americans start their day with a dark caffeinated drink, mostly at home, as more and more people are looking for the hottest things, as the popularity of coffee increases perhaps because of the many benefits they find in it.

What will happen to your body when you drink coffee every day? 

What are the benefits of DXN 2 in 1 black coffee? 

What are the benefits of Lingzhi coffee? 

What is Lingzhi black coffee 2 in 1?

It is a mixture of luxurious natural coffee in addition to the extract of Ganoderma mushroom (Reishi) pure of any colors, dyes, flavors or any harmful substances.

What are the benefits of DXN 2 in 1 black coffee? 

What are the benefits of Lingzhi coffee? 

What will happen to your body when you drink coffee every day? 

Is DXN2 in 1 (Lingzhi Black 2 in 1) addictive to drink every day? 

• Lingzhi coffee 2-in-1 and caffeine addiction, enjoy Lingzhi coffee without worrying about caffeine addiction 

 If you drink regular coffee every day, you will become addicted to caffeine; It is related to the magic of coffee when consuming it in the morning or after waking up from sleep, but you should be careful when repeating the matter of wanting to drink coffee, especially if it comes to drinking a cup of coffee that contains a large amount of pure coffee powder and repeating it every day, in order not to You become addicted to caffeine, so we offer you the best solution, which is the consumption of black or white Lingzhi coffee, produced by the international Malaysian company (DXN), which contains the best types of coffee or coffee in the world, in addition to the extract of reishi powder, which prevents the side effects of coffee and regulates the work of receptors By comparison, regular coffee contains 25% of caffeine, while Lingzhi coffee contains 0.6% of caffeine, which is a safe and necessary percentage needed by the body.

Veteran scientific writer Bart Wolpers pointed out that if you drink coffee every day, you will quickly become addicted to caffeine. The reason for this addiction is that coffee usually binds to adenosine receptors in the brain - adenosine is what raises sleep pressure . However, over time, the body produces more adenosine receptors that are no longer bound to the caffeine in coffee.

But we have to clarify about Bart Wolpers' last statement that (however, over time, the body produces more adenosine receptors that are no longer bound to the caffeine in coffee) this is in case the body's systems are functioning very well, and if there is a malfunction In the performance of these devices, they need help and to restore their balance and performance well, by supporting them with some important materials and elements, and for this reason (DXN) global company has added the extract of reishi mushroom powder, which has very many benefits, some of which are discovered and some are still in the process of discovery and research .   

Strengthens your immunity - cures malignant diseases and cancer. Coffee that few people know
Strengthens your immunity - cures malignant diseases and cancer. Coffee that few people know

International membership code and number for the discount on the price of DXN products: 818626885

• Drinking Lingzhi black coffee makes you more energetic and energetic 

According to cardiologist Dr. Stephen Raisman, MD, director of the Center for Diagnostic Cardiology in New York, you can also reap some benefits from adenosine blockage. "With coffee, you'll feel more energized because caffeine increases brain activity by blocking adenosine and increases neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine," he explained to The List. "This reduces fatigue and increases alertness."

Reishi mushroom works to support and enhance the benefits of Lingzhi coffee on the regulation of the nervous and digestive systems to regulate the production of neurotransmitters.

• Drinking Lingzhi black coffee and suicide, as drinking coffee prevents suicide. The positive effect that drinking coffee every day does not stop at your psychological state when you improve your mood only, but it is an antidepressant that may lead to suicide, and we must clarify that the reishi mushroom contains It also contains many antidepressants, which makes Lingzhi coffee a better choice.

 A study from the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that people who drank more coffee were less likely to develop depression. And dealt with a study published in the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, researchers explained that coffee consumers who drink four or more cups of coffee per day were less likely to take their lives (suicide).

• Lingzhi black coffee 2 in 1 works to balance the body chemistry or the pH of the body, thus keeping the body healthy and away from diseases.

• Lingzhi black coffee helps to improve the performance of the gallbladder, get rid of gallstones, inflammation of the gallbladder, and the functions of various body systems and regulate their work.

• DXN Coffee 2 in 1 (Black Lingzhi) helps to adjust the body's rhythm and regulate hormones, thanks to the effectiveness of the substances contained in the reishi.

• Lingzhi coffee or DXN coffee and cancer. DXN (Lingzhi) coffee works to prevent cancer in general, prostate cancer and endometrial cancer. It also works to curb and prevent the spread of cancer cells and fight and kill cancer cells also thanks to its mushroom content, which has Its well-known strong effect in fighting cancer, and one study showed that coffee reduces the risk of prostate cancer by about 20% and endometrial cancer by about 25%.

• Lingzhi black coffee and immunity, Lingzhi black coffee works to strengthen the immune system and regulate its work better than regular coffee, thanks to the benefits of reishi for immunity and known to many people.

• Coffee and weight loss, Lingzhi coffee works to lose weight faster and better than regular coffee without any side effects. It is friendly to the keto diet and any other diet, due to its content of coffee powder + reishi, as the two facilitate digestion and burn fats and fatty acids and Helping to absorb and improve the metabolism, activating and improving the performance of the gallbladder to digest fats, and one of the benefits of reishi is that it regulates fats in the body, as reishi expels harmful oxidized cholesterol and dissolves triglycerides, and Lingzhi coffee is a keto-friendly beverage.

• Lingzhi coffee and appetite. Lingzhi coffee (DXN) works on regulating and managing appetite. It provides the body with protein, fiber, trace minerals, important vitamins and other substances that regulate hormones in general and hormones responsible for appetite. It also promotes the production of beneficial bacteria, through its content. From reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma), which helps you lose excess weight effortlessly by helping you to quit bad habits of eating excess meals due to feeling inadequate from the meal and helps those who suffer from anorexia to regulate their appetite and thus may gain some required weight If they suffer from thinness, reishi mushroom has its benefits to help you gain the ideal weight.

• DXN coffee 2 in 1 (black lingzhi) and longevity and health, lingzhi coffee works to maintain good health and ideal weight, thus avoiding early death, as one of the benefits of coffee and reishi mushroom is also to enjoy good health and longevity and avoid Early death. In ancient China, reishi was called the herb of immortality and the herb of life, according to what is shown in manuscripts and pictures in palaces and sacred places.

A study published in the (New England Journal of Medicine) stated that coffee drinkers over the age of 50 had a lower risk of early death compared to those who did not drink it.

• Lingzhi coffee and type 2 diabetes. Lingzhi coffee works to prevent diabetes because it contains chlorogenic acid, as diabetes is an important factor in causing other serious diseases, including strokes, heart and kidney diseases, nerve diseases and blindness. Both coffee and reishi share the same benefits, in addition, reishi regulates and manages sugar and insulin and prevents insulin resistance.

• DXN Coffee 2 in 1 With the feature of adding feathers to it, taking DXN Coffee 2 in 1 regulates the work of immune bodies and strengthens them, thus protecting you from viruses such as the Covid 19 virus.

• Lingzhi coffee and aging. Lingzhi coffee contains the antioxidants that are contained in the best coffee in the world, in addition to the many antioxidants contained in the reishi mushroom. Antioxidants prevent the effects caused by free radicals, such as autoimmune diseases such as cancer, joints and strokes. And heart disease, psoriasis, and the appearance of signs of aging such as wrinkles in the skin and loss of vision.

• DXN coffee 2 in 1 (black lingzhi) and liver. Drinking lingzhi coffee with its coffee content protects the liver from diseases, including hepatitis C, especially liver damage caused by alcohol addiction. Reishi mushroom also cleanses the liver of toxins and repairs any defect. She suffers from fatty liver cirrhosis.

• Lingzhi coffee and cholesterol, DXN 2 in 1 coffee works to rid the body of toxins and regulate cholesterol management, by eliminating harmful oxidized cholesterol and balancing good cholesterol.

 Drinking regular coffee every day without filtering or filtering can increase blood cholesterol levels. The good news is that drinking Lingzhi coffee helps you improve your cholesterol levels, and filter coffee removes a substance called cafestol, which increases your cholesterol level. , As explained (Rob Van Dam), an epidemiologist at Harvard University.

• Lingzhi and Alzheimer's coffee, one of the most important benefits of coffee is that it protects your mind and brain memory from diseases that may affect it. Also, the reishi, with the wondrous substances and antioxidants that it contains, works to hydrate your brain and deliver oxygen to all parts of the brain, as perfusion works by disabling the work of the causing free radicals. For various diseases, including strokes, brain cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and others..

So if you drink lingzhi coffee every day, you're in luck, explained Dr. Donald Weaver, co-director of the Krembil Brain Institute, who revealed in an interview with Medical News Today, "Coffee consumption appears to have some association with a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Weaver and his team discovered this and published their findings in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience.

It is not the caffeine in coffee that has this benefit, but the availability of a compound called phenylendanate (which increases with roasting coffee beans) that protects the brain from toxic proteins that play a major role in brain disease. "It's the first time anyone has investigated how phenylenedans interact with the proteins responsible for Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease," noted Dr. Ross Mancini, a co-author on that study. "The next step will be to investigate how useful these compounds are, and whether they have the potential to enter the bloodstream, or cross the blood-brain barrier."

• Lingzhi coffee and memory, it may be beneficial for you to drink Lingzhi coffee every day, as it is not only about avoiding serious diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, but it goes beyond that to another benefit, which is strengthening your memory, and that is what was indicated by (Michael Yasa ), assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences at Johns Hopkins University. In an interview with Johns Hopkins: "We've always known that caffeine has cognition-enhancing effects, but its specific effects on strengthening memories and making them resistant to forgetting have not been examined in detail in humans." "We first reported a specific effect of caffeine in reducing forgetfulness over a 24-hour period."

Where a study was conducted in which researchers gave a dose of caffeine to the participants in that study, then they were shown certain pictures and the next day they were shown other similar pictures; The results showed that the group given caffeine had a better ability to recognize images than those in the placebo group. "If we used a standard recognition memory task without these similar challenging items, we wouldn't find any effect of caffeine," he continued. "However, using these items requires the brain to make discrimination more difficult." So caffeine improves your memory!!

• Lingzhi coffee and joint and nerve diseases. Lingzhi coffee 2 x 1 contains antioxidants that fight free radicals and autoimmune diseases that affect joints, such as multiple sclerosis, roughness of the knees, and fighting inflammation in joints and nerves resulting from damage to the nerve covering.

• Lingzhi coffee and keto diet. Lingzhi coffee is one of the most important drinks friendly to the keto diet. The coffee in Lingzhi coffee is one of the best types of coffee in the world. The keto diet contains some side effects and complications, where people who follow a diet feel Keto Diet with inactivity, fatigue, depression and other problems, and about the side effects and complications of the Keto Diet gives them Lingzi coffee, with its two parts, coffee and reishi mushrooms, activity and vitality and fighting depression. It also helps the digestion process by improving the metabolism process and activates the gallbladder to digest fats.

• DXN coffee and teeth. Drinking Lingzhi coffee is beneficial for human health in general; It provides the body with more than 200 important natural substances that the body needs for growth and the strength of the immune system against any foreign bodies, thus protecting against gum infections and tooth decay. 

• Lingzhi coffee (DXN) 2 x 1 and the skin. Lingzhi coffee works to improve the skin and make it more eye-catching, and helps treat spots in it, because it contains Ganoderma mushroom extract (Reishi).

• Lingzhi black coffee and hair, Lingzhi black coffee improves hair by treating infections that affect the scalp and strengthening hair follicles, and this is what distinguishes DXN coffee 

Features of Lingzhi Black Coffee (DXN Black Coffee) 

What is the difference between regular coffee and Lingzhi coffee (DXN black coffee)?

Comparison between regular coffee and Lingzhi coffee (DXN black coffee) 

• Regular coffee contains 25% of caffeine, and this is what makes people worry about drinking coffee, due to the side effects of caffeine, as many people avoid drinking regular coffee, while Lingzhi coffee contains 0.6% of caffeine, which is a simple and safe percentage because the body needs Simple caffeine.

• Regular coffee is classified among the strong acidic drinks that increase the acidity of the body and the acidity of the blood, so it has side effects on health, while Lingzhi coffee is classified as one of the neutral drinks between acidity and base on the pH scale

• Regular coffee causes bloating in the colon in some people, so coffee is not desirable for them, while Lingzhi coffee does not cause any bloating in the abdomen.

• Regular coffee causes a burning sensation in the stomach because of its acidic environment, while Lingzhi coffee does not cause a burning sensation because it is not acidic.

• Regular coffee contains its natural compounds and may contain colors, dyes and flavors if it is a product made by companies, while Lingzhi coffee does not contain any flavors, colors or dyes. It contains regular coffee compounds, but with a safe percentage of caffeine in addition to 200 important substances It has effective therapeutic properties for the growth of the body, regulating and balancing the mechanism of work of the body's systems, strengthening the immune system and regulating its work.

Side effects and complications of DXN Lingzhi coffee 

There are no harms when using Lingzhi coffee. It is a safe coffee as we mentioned earlier because it contains the powder of the king of herbs, Ganoderma mushrooms (Reishi), and it also contains a safe percentage of caffeine and is neutral between acidic and basic according to the pH scale.

What we must clarify: Some coffee consumers may feel itching, red spots, thirst, peeling skin, hair loss and other symptoms that differ from one person to another. If these symptoms occur to you, do not worry at all, I will explain to you the reasons for these Symptoms in turn, you do not need to worry about these symptoms, they are temporary symptoms that will go away with time when your body gets used to Lingzhi coffee, all you have to do is reduce the amount of Lingzhi coffee powder added to hot water, and maybe you want to add a little natural coffee powder to Lingzhi coffee diluted This option is at will. 

The reason for feeling these symptoms is evidence of the strength of the reishi mushroom and its interaction in your body, and that you had problems in your body and skin or anywhere in your body according to the apparent symptoms, perhaps you are still worried dear, do not worry, the redness of the skin is an image that your body reflects as a result of the interaction and There are some toxins that were excreted with sweat. As for skin peeling and hair loss, this is because the reishi mushroom kills your diseased cells and builds strong new cells. As we explained earlier, you have to reduce the amount of coffee powder to accomplish so that this reaction reduces and does not cause you anxiety and gradually increase the quantity Until your body gets used to Lingzhi coffee..

Is Lingzhi black coffee suitable for pregnant women? And is DXN coffee safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women?

Lingzhi black coffee is very safe, but it is preferable not to be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women as a precaution, nothing more..

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